Opsis Emotion AI is proud to share that we have been selected as one of the 22 startups to present our solution at the JETRO Singapore-Japan Fast Track Pitch Event. The event is co-organized by EDB, Embassy of Japan, Enterprise Singapore, JETRO, and METI Japan, and provides a unique opportunity for startups to showcase their innovative solutions and connect with industry leaders from both Japan and Singapore.
At the event, our CEO and Co-founder presented his pitch for the challenge statement “Health Promotion from the Built Environment” to Takenaka Corporation. We are excited to demonstrate how our emotion recognition technology can be used to create healthier and happier living and working environments. We believe that facial expression recognition technology has the potential to help revolutionize the way we design and interact with our built environment.
We are thrilled to be part of an event that brings together many other innovative startup ideas and passionate entrepreneurs. It’s inspiring to see so many individuals who are dedicated to using technology to create positive change in the world.
One of Opsis Emotion AI’s missions is to use our technology to help create healthier, more comfortable, and more engaging spaces for people to live and work in. We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Singapore-Japan Fast Track Pitch Event and would like to extend our gratitude to the organizers for putting together such a fantastic event. We look forward to continuing to drive innovation and positive change in the built environment. Stay tuned for more updates from Opsis Emotion AI!