Human Resource Recruitment Use Case
A large multinational recruitment agency wants to improve its processes by combining video analytics with emotion AI.
The agency operates 811 offices around the world and has 5,000 employees.
The agency receives an average 10 applicants for each vacancy. It needs to fill roughly 300 vacancies for its clients every quarter.
Improving efficiency and effectiveness depends screening large numbers of candidates.
Emotion recognition AI needs to enhance accuracy and ensure that the right candidates are hired.
Video interviews via laptop computers or smartphones enable the company to assess the emotional expressions of prospective candidates.
Analysis of the candidate’s emotional reactions while answering questions, enables an assessment of personal traits independently of any unconscious bias.
Candidates were asked to record and send the agency a 5-minute video of their answers to initial interview questions.
This gives the recruiter a general idea of whether the candidate is a good fit for the position.
The 5-minute video saves recruiters 60 minutes per candidate, helping avoid interviews with candidates who would be inappropriate for the job.
Our analytics categorize potential candidates according to specific quadrants concerning emotional aptitude.
Candidates are ranked according to their emotional reactions to interview questions.
The result is a more accurate evaluation.
The system adds a new dimension to measuring candidates’ behaviour that can be combined with other in-house assessments.
Video interviews with smarter analytics based on cognitive emotion AI saved interviewers time.
Candidates preferred the online interviews, which they found to be less stressful than interviews in an office location.
Eliminating the need to commute to an office interview was another advantage.
Statistics show that the decision to hire a candidate can often be made within the first few seconds of a video interview.