Channel 8 News – 30 June 2021

Opsis is proud to provide our AI to support the community together with Temasek Foundation and Lions Befrienders.

As a joint collaboration with Temasek Foundation, LB will test-bed the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing the mental well-being of seniors. We were honoured to host Eric Chua, Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Social and Family Development, at the live demonstration of the Temasek Foundation Facial Analysis Correlation of Emotions (F.A.C.E) programme at LB Active Ageing Centre @ Mei Ling 150 earlier today. Over two years, the F.A.C.E programme will explore facial emotion analysis technology as a supplementary tool to virtual counselling, through provision and analysis of non-verbal data from facial expressions. To establish proof of concept, the AI technology will be deployed by LB’s social workers, counsellors and case managers during one-to-one and group counselling sessions, as well as community screenings for care planning. The advances in artificial intelligence such as facial emotions detection will assist the LB staff in screening for mental health issues and enable the seniors to receive earlier and better care.This technology was developed by Opsis Emotion AI, a Singapore-based company and a spin-off from A*STAR.

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