
Innovfest Unbound

Official launch of Opsis Emotion A.I. recognition software. Empowering devices with cameras to be emotionally enabled and bringing emotion detection and analysis to the world.

Covid, Stress and Anxiety

Covid have causes many stress and anxiety in family and people around us. Don’t wait, seek help. Watch the video here:

Slush Singapore

Showcased our latest Emotional A.I. mobile application. Real-time emotion recognition on mobile platforms that requires minimal processing power and no internet connectivity. Bringing emotion A.I. to mobile devices.

YCH Supply Chain City Opening

PM Lee Hsien Loong opens the YCH high-tech logistics hub and recognises Opsis in his Facebook post “Technology can also be used to improve the commerce experience! This booth demonstrated how a potential customer’s facial expressions can be ‘read’ by technology to gauge their interest”.

Linkedin/PHD Media Event

Opsis showcased how emotional intelligence can elevate advertising and media agencies in their campaigns. Emotion recognition empowers deeper analysis of products and services, survey responses and data collection for improving business decisions