
Bridge News: Opsis Singapore

Opsis develops ′′ emotion ai ′′ in real time with video to do emotional analysis from the expression of the face. In the corona misfortune, it is difficult to understand the feelings of students and patients from the teachers of the site, the teachers of the social worker, and the doctors of the site, while […]

CNA – Rewiring Depression

During this epidemic, how do we detect people that are stress, anxiety or depress at home ? They are intervention solution available


Opsis was featured in SAP INNOV’CHAT Emotion Recognition: AI with EQ Watch it here:

NUS Techlaunch 2020

Opsis Emotion AI Team won NUS Techlaunch 2020 “Audience choice awards” and “Runner-up” on 11/11

SAP INNOV’CHAT – Importance of E Q Analyses

Opsis was featured in SAP INNOV’CHAT Emotion Recognition: AI with EQ Watch it here: