Opsis Covid Tele-Sense Solutions

Opsis Emotion AI have been used to solve Tele-Health, Tele-Education and Tele-HR challenges during Covid Watch it here: https://fb.watch/v/17l3EAiNB/

Opsis on Mental Health

During this Covid, Worldwide calls made to mental health hotlines has jumped. Calls to US federal crisis hotline Disaster Distress Helpline spiked 891 per cent in March year-on-year. The Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) observed an increase in phone calls to several services as well. The SAMH Insight Centre, which provides counselling services, saw […]

CNA: Gadg(AID) EP 2

Opsis was featured on Gadg(AID) EP 2 starting from 21 mins for Emotion recognition in psychology measurement. Telecast on Monday 9th March. Miss it ? Here the link. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/video-on-demand/gadgaid


Opsis had the great honor to have many VVIPs visiting us this year at #SWITCH2019 E.Q is the New I.Q and we share new products and solutions for Emotion analytics.


Opsis was invited to R3 close door senior executive event to share emotion recognition A.I insights. It was indeed a great exchange of innovation ideas with the stakeholders and their partners

R3 Worldwide Growing Marketing Technology Expertise in Asia Pacific Event

Opsis share about customer strategy and understanding the desired outcomes of the whole business helps vendors design and roll out programmes effectively with clear KPIs in mind. Consider that 69% of senior marketers across the region emphasize the conversion of data into strategies as a key focus in the next 12 months, and 50% of […]


Opsis has been accepted into the NVIDIA Inception program, which is designed to nurture startups revolutionising industries with advancements in AI and data sciences.

Hello Tomorrow

Opsis participated in the Hello Tomorrow Regional Summit and also presented our platform as part of the Innovator Series program.


Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat & Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan participated in a demonstration at our booth in SWITCH 2018. Mediacorp’s Singapore television Channel 8 featured Opsis on its broadcast.