Gartner Reports

Opsis was feature in Gartner Reports “Competitive Landscape: Emotion AI Technologies, Worldwide”Published 2 November 2020 – ID G00733342” Visit

Asian Entrepreneurship Award 2020

Opsis is the only Singapore Finalist out of 16 countries for Asian Entrepreneurship Award 2020. Please support us online for Opsis solutions on “Covid New Normal” happening from the 27th to 29th October.

CEATEC 2020 Online

Opsis is in the CEATEC 2020 Online from 20th to 23rd October . Please come and visit us to find out our new solutions for Covid

Detect Anxiety and more

Emotion detect anxiety, accident counselling, drivers sleepy and medical conditions affecting driving. Opsis shared with more than 50 stakeholders on the use cases.

Continental and Opsis

Continental and Opsis are working together to integrate infotainment and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems to monitor emotional state. Infuse mood base reactive conversation into car console and detect drivers mood like frustration or fatigue for road safety. Emotion sensing from music, road condition, car lighting, urban or rural driving etc Watch it at


Opsis is honor to be invited by Daimler/ESG to share about our Emotion recognition A.I

CNA – Rewiring Depression

During this epidemic, how do we detect people that are stress, anxiety or depress at home ? They are intervention solution available

Covid, Stress and Anxiety

Covid have causes many stress and anxiety in family and people around us. Don’t wait, seek help. Watch the video here: