R3 Worldwide Growing Marketing Technology Expertise in Asia Pacific Event

Opsis share about customer strategy and understanding the desired outcomes of the whole business helps vendors design and roll out programmes effectively with clear KPIs in mind. Consider that 69% of senior marketers across the region emphasize the conversion of data into strategies as a key focus in the next 12 months, and 50% of…


Opsis has been accepted into the NVIDIA Inception program, which is designed to nurture startups revolutionising industries with advancements in AI and data sciences.

Hello Tomorrow

Opsis participated in the Hello Tomorrow Regional Summit and also presented our platform as part of the Innovator Series program.


Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat & Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan participated in a demonstration at our booth in SWITCH 2018. Mediacorp’s Singapore television Channel 8 featured Opsis on its broadcast.

PwC Asia-Pacific Risk Symposium

We featured our emotional intelligence analytics platform for Smart Nation and showcased our compact emotion recognition software footprint which enables real-time interaction with IoT and edge devices.

Innovfest Unbound

Opsis co-founder Dr. Stefan Winkler was featured in a live telecast interview with Mark Laudi to showcase the numerous industry applications with Accenture Asean.

Singapore Tourism Board

Opsis showcased our solution to participants from the hospitality and tourism industries that enables real-time facial expression analysis on customer experience.

The Many Applications of Emotion Recognition

ASMAG.COM features Opsis in its publication elaborating how emotion recognition is able to help numerous industries.

Linkedin/PHD Media Event

Opsis showcased how emotional intelligence can elevate advertising and media agencies in their campaigns. Emotion recognition empowers deeper analysis of products and services, survey responses and data collection for improving business decisions

YCH Supply Chain City Opening

PM Lee Hsien Loong opens the YCH high-tech logistics hub and recognises Opsis in his Facebook post “Technology can also be used to improve the commerce experience! This booth demonstrated how a potential customer’s facial expressions can be ‘read’ by technology to gauge their interest”.